A browser for the real you
We designed Opera for your personal use — whatever that might be.

Here are a few things that you'll love about Opera
Browse faster
We use way less processing capacity than other browsers and have a built-in ad blocker that helps load webpages faster.
Secure your privacy
We've got you covered. Our free VPN reduces online tracking and shields your browsing.
Stay in touch
Chat and browse at the same time with built-in messengers on the edge of your browser. There's no need to keep juggling tabs and apps.
You do you
Customize Opera with dark and light themes, keyboard shortcuts, your favorite bookmarks and tons of other options.

Built-in VPN to help you browse safely
Reduce online tracking and shield your browsing from everybody besides you. Our built-in VPN has got you covered.

Built-in ad blocker to help you browse faster
Our built-in ad blocker gets rid of the endless barrage of ads online. It also blocks cryptocurrency mining and helps pages load faster. Like a browser ninja.

Dark and light mode to help you do you
Customize Opera with dark and light themes, keyboard shortcuts, wallpapers, extensions, your favorite bookmarks and tons of other options.
Browse wherever you are
Opera’s mobile browsers and apps are fast, feature-packed, and provide the best web experience for Android and iOS.

Read more about browsing, with us specifically

Latest desktop blog posts
Visit our blog for the latest updates and news about our desktop browsers, their features and the future of browsing. Read about Crypto Wallet, Web 3, the Opera GX gaming browser and what’s coming soon from Opera.

Latest mobile blog posts
Read about our design award-winning mobile browsers, synchronization between devices and other improvements. Get the latest updates and news, and find out what’s in the works for mobile browsers at Opera.

Join Opera's community
We're always happy when you enjoy our products and we love to get feedback on them. With your help we can develop and adjust them to your needs and expectations.
Nice stuff others have said about us
“A lot of people use ad-blocking extensions in their browsers, but now Opera has gone one better, by building the functionality into the browser itself.”

“Opera which seems determined to pack generations worth of improvements into a few short months, boasts yet another reason for you to switch browsers: a “low-power mode.”

“There are lots of sync tools out there to move content between desktop and phone, but I have not found another that's as simple and easy to use as Opera's Flow.”

“Opera is still the minnow of the browser world, but it could be about to have an outsized impact.”

You deserve a better browser
Free VPN, ad blocker and Flow - Just a few of the must-have features built into Opera for faster, smoother and distraction-free browsing.